CBPS Council Meeting

Maple Building-1-CSU Maple Boardroom (MA 116)

Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/mov-xuzw-gdv Or dial: (CA) +1 289-350-9244 [...]

CBPS Council Meeting

Maple Building-1-CSU Maple Boardroom (MA 116)

Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/mov-xuzw-gdv Or dial: (CA) +1 289-350-9244 [...]

CBPS Council Meeting

Maple Building-1-CSU Maple Boardroom (MA 116)

Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/ugu-xchp-ryp Or dial: (CA) +1 647-733-8086 [...]

CBPS Executive Committee

Maple Building-1-CSU Maple Boardroom (MA 116)

Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/vkc-tfrz-tog Or dial: (CA) +1 647-733-8465 [...]

CBPS Executive Meeting

Maple Building-1-CSU Maple Boardroom (MA 116)

Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/goe-cwbc-xmp Or dial: (CA) +1 778-734-9465 [...]

CSU Pop-Up Produce

Library Building-1-CSU Library Lounge (LB 195)

CSU Pop-Up Produce

Library Building-1-CSU Library Lounge (LB 195)

CSU Executive Committee

Maple Building-1-CSU Maple Boardroom (MA 116)

Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/jws-serw-tss Or dial: (CA) +1 647-737-9427 [...]

CBPS Governance Committee

Maple Building-1-CSU Maple Boardroom (MA 116)

Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/fuv-havh-ypv Or dial: (CA) +1 289-323-2203 [...]

CBPS Governance Committee

Maple Building-1-CSU Maple Boardroom (MA 116)

Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/fuv-havh-ypv Or dial: (CA) +1 289-323-2203 [...]

CSU Student Engagement Committee

Maple Building-1-CSU Maple Boardroom (MA 116)

Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/svz-udce-nsg Or dial: (CA) +1 587-977-5372 [...]

CSU Student Union Building Committee

Maple Building-1-CSU Maple Boardroom (MA 116)

Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/vap-aqfc-tof Or dial: (CA) +1 705-419-8097 [...]