CBPS Council
Maple Building-1-CSU Maple Boardroom (MA 116)Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/xyu-yoqz-dyn Or dial: (CA) +1 613-916-4240 [...]
CSU Pop-Up Produce
Library Building-1-CSU Library Lounge (LB 195)CSU Executive Committee
Maple Building-1-CSU Maple Boardroom (MA 116)Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/gsr-djob-pgj Or dial: (CA) +1 778-728-7225 [...]
CSU Student Engagement Committee
Maple Building-1-CSU Maple Boardroom (MA 116)Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/dmm-qpnb-jyy Or dial: (CA) +1 778-746-8149 [...]
CSU Events & Services Committee
Maple Building-1-CSU Maple Boardroom (MA 116)Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/vdw-mkku-ooo Or dial: (CA) +1 289-434-8047 [...]
CSU Board of Directors
Maple Building-1-CSU Maple Boardroom (MA 116)Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/cwp-ahnr-czc Or dial: (CA) +1 647-732-5301 [...]
CSU Executive Committee
Maple Building-1-CSU Maple Boardroom (MA 116)Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/frk-rkbh-poe Or dial: (CA) +1 587-797-9950 [...]
CBPS Executive Committee
Maple Building-1-CSU Maple Boardroom (MA 116)Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/vkc-tfrz-tog Or dial: (CA) +1 647-733-8465 [...]
CSU Finance & Audit Committee
Maple Building-1-CSU Maple Boardroom (MA 116)Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/qoj-spaq-usg Or dial: (CA) +1 226-316-3877 [...]
CSU Pop-Up Produce
Library Building-1-CSU Library Lounge (LB 195)CSU Executive Committee
Maple Building-1-CSU Maple Boardroom (MA 116)Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/gsr-djob-pgj Or dial: (CA) +1 778-728-7225 [...]
CSU Student Union Building Committee
Maple Building-1-CSU Maple Boardroom (MA 116)Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/tzx-oidf-amh Or dial: (CA) +1 778-747-8563 [...]