CSU Campaigns and Advocacy Committee

Maple Building-1-CSU Maple Boardroom (MA 116)

Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/rbs-afnx-ruf Or dial: (CA) +1 289-351-8061 [...]

CSU Board of Directors

Maple Building-1-CSU Maple Boardroom (MA 116)

Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/tyz-kykn-mom Or dial: (CA) +1 226-317-6999 [...]

CSU Executive Committee

Maple Building-1-CSU Maple Boardroom (MA 116)

Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/frk-rkbh-poe Or dial: (CA) +1 587-797-9950 [...]

CBPS Executive Committee

Maple Building-1-CSU Maple Boardroom (MA 116)

Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/vkc-tfrz-tog Or dial: (CA) +1 647-733-8465 [...]

CSU Strategic Plan Advisory Committee

Maple Building-1-CSU Maple Boardroom (MA 116)

Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/qse-cipe-buo Or dial: (CA) +1 604-774-3466 [...]

CSU Strategic Plan Advisory Committee

Maple Building-1-CSU Maple Boardroom (MA 116)

Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/qse-cipe-buo Or dial: (CA) +1 604-774-3466 [...]

CSU Executive Committee

Maple Building-1-CSU Maple Boardroom (MA 116)

Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/gsr-djob-pgj Or dial: (CA) +1 778-728-7225 [...]

CSU University Affairs Committee

maple, Maple Building-1-CSU Maple Boardroom (MA 116)

Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/bwt-xeut-qib Or dial: (CA) +1 705-419-6813 [...]

CSU University Affairs Committee (HOLD)

Maple Building-1-CSU Maple Boardroom (MA 116)

Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/bwt-xeut-qib Or dial: (CA) +1 705-419-6813 [...]